Wednesday’s Programmes

Culture Party Zone

30 May, 2012.

10:00 am. – 6:00 pm., MODEM (24 March – 24 June, 2012)
Zero Years. Slovak Visual Art between 1999 and 2011 from Four Curatorial Perspectives

10:00 am. – 6:00 pm. MODEM (4 February – 27 May 2012)
The Supper. Exhibition of Botond

10-31 May, Tímárház – Kézművesek Háza, Kisgaléria (Nagy Gál István Str. 6.)
Exhibition of Árpád Andics, photographer


Screenings in Apollo Cinema and Cinema City – in original language, with Hungarian subtitles.

Elles, French-Polish-German drama, 99 min, 2011

Warrior, American sports movie, 140 min, 2011

8:00 pm, Romkert –  diXie Club season closing night with the Debrecen Dixieland Jazz Band in the spirit of New Orleans