From 23 September, music-dance events are prohibited in White Angel; still, the party goes on.
Weeks ago, the fire department pronounced the club unfit for admitting 800 people at the same time for safety reasons. According to the experts of the fire department, the club is safe only for 394 guests. Imre Hortó, leader of the fire prevention department in Debrecen explained that if the doors of White Angel were closed after handing over the 394th wristband, the fire department wouldn’t object to the parties. But as this is not the case, the notary called on the operator to transform the place into a bar. However, this hasn’t yet happened.
There is the question of controls, too. The notary’s associates are authorized to inspect the place but not to ask for ID cards or to order anyone out. Tünde Gulyás deputy head of the administration division suggested that this is primarily a fire department professional issue which means it would be more plausible if either the fire department or the police went on raids. The cooperation of the authorities would be beneficial.